Friday, May 29, 2009


Names changed for privacy purpose....

Mr Rakesh Gupta....56 years..

Mr. Gupta says, Rushivar, i have been doing these types of programmes off and on. I have attended the Sudarshan Kriya, and Meditation related programmes... doing KENOSIS, in your guidence is a strange experience...
.. during the PROACTIVE MEDITATION, I discovered that something very cool and soothing entering my body from top. and fire like heat is leaving my body from behind, entering the something much more while undergoing this fantastic FEEL, than explaing in words. The positive energy is cool and welcomed, while the negativity is fire like and we want to get rid of it.

Thankyou Rushivar for making me experience this feeling , i am indeed blessed to be a part of KENOSIS FOUNDATION.....thanks again.


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